Graphic Designer


Since 2009 the water sector is in a process of legal and institutional reform. The anticipated outcomes of the reform included a revised institutional Water Sector Set-up into (1) PWA being responsible for policy functions for water resources, water supply and wastewater and for regulatory functions for water resources, (2) Water Sector Regulatory Council (WSRC) being responsible for regulatory functions for water supply and wastewater, (3) the current West Bank Water Department (WBWD) to be transformed into an independent public company being responsible for bulk water supply to water supply service providers.

In June 2014, a new Water Law was passed. A core issue of this Water Law is the establishment of a Water Sector Regulatory Council (WSRC). A Board of Directors made up of a Chairman and six members was recommended by the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) to the President. On the 20th Of August 2014, the President issued the decision forming the BoD of WSRC representing the public and private sector.

The main objective of WSRC is to monitor all matters related to the operation of water service providers, including production, transportation, distribution, consumption, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, and reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation with the aim of ensuring water and wastewater service quality and efficiency to consumers in Palestine at affordable prices.

A Road Map for the establishment and operation of the WSRC was prepared by the Board of Directors of WSRC on October 2014. It comprises a description of the overall implementation approach, the detailed WSRC implementation activities, the required donor support as well as a one-year work plan.


The Graphic Designer will support WSRC Reporting Communication through defining a visual identity for the WSRC, delivering design solutions, print ready publications, factsheets and presentation templates as well as social media graphics.

Main Tasks

Based on the above, the consultant expected to achieve the following main tasks:

-Coordinate with the Contracted company for designing Branding Book and Guidelines
-Social Media and website Visualization
-And other materials upon need or request.

Expected Outcomes and Deliverables

Based on the above, by the end of the assignment the Consultant is expected to deliver the following:

-Print ready Reports
The reports are between (5 – 10) reports that include (40-90) pages, those pages include tables, Graphs, Pictures and text.
-Brochures: 2-5 Brochures
-News Letter Templates
-Greeting Templates
-Power point templates that match the Branding book guide lines
-Social Media Publication Templates

Time Fram and Payments

-The assignment start date is First of march till the end of August, it’s a six-month assignment with an expected 90 working days.
-The consultant should submit a price offer per working day, the Price should include the income tax.
-The consultant will be asked to fill a time sheet for the working days.
-The consultant will be asked to submit a monthly payment request.
-The income task will be deducted and transfer directly by the WSRC to the MoF.

Expertise required and Selction Criterias To be eligible for the above assignment, the consultant has to show and present a proven experience in following criteria: -Strong theoretical and practical background in graphic design, including the use of design software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, CorelDraw and illustrator;-Show a clear and mature style of design, demonstrating an understanding of the communication requirements WSRC;-Proven experience of graphic production from start to published/printed product with knowledge of printing processes (offset and digital) and color management;-Good understanding of new and evolving technologies and digital platforms; Knowledge of standard software packages, including MS Office– MS Access–MS Visio –Adobe Acrobat; -Working experience in water and environment sector is desirable-Consultant should provide the following: -CV and portfolio -Copy of catalogue or samples of the design work, if available;-Completed fees/price list based on the mentioned deliverables, the prices include income tax
Post date: Today
Publisher: Jobs
Post date: Today
Publisher: Jobs