Health, Safety and Security Officer

Role and Responsibilities

The purpose of the job is to oversee the security Management of the Country Office and provide adequate support to the program and support team in carrying out their activities in a safe and secure manner. Security Officer will report to HSS Manager and Security Coordinator. 


Specific Responsibilities

  • Monitor and assess the security situation in Palestine and neighbouring countries where it can affect overall security situation in Palestine and collect this information for further processing and analysis.
  • Administrate incoming TARs (Travel Authorization Requests) for in and out of Palestine, and suggest advisories.
  • Conduct area, site and program risk assessments in locations where the program team implementing activities. 
  • Update the districts risk map once a week before the weekly security brief
  • Improve and MOSS and MOISS of the Country Office and support HSS staff around the country.
  • Raise all Procurement Requests for the needed security equipment and trainings
  • Create systems, practices, SOPs and protocols for staff to follow and create the safest working environment
  • Be prepared to have a security induction brief with new staff and visitors arriving in Palestine
  • Be prepared to participate or represent NRC in internal and external meetings
  • Send the weekly report to the HSS Advisor in the Palestine country office as per the security plan
  • Ensure the inclusion of cash-based interventions and marked-based programmes in country and area-based strategies and their implementation across and within NRC’s core competencies
  • Provide an enabling environment for the implementation of cash-based interventions, including multi-purpose cash assistance, emergency cash responses

Post date: Today
Publisher: Jobs
Post date: Today
Publisher: Jobs