Founded in 1993, Médecins du Monde Switzerland is a medical association of international solidarity that is part of the Médecins du Monde network. We provide sustainable access to health care for people in vulnerable situations in Switzerland and around the world.

MdM Switzerland, has been working in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) since 1994 in the sector of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), implementing emergency and development interventions, focusing on victim of occupation-related violence, children and detention, suicide prevention and management, strengthen of access to mental health cares at national and community level, and advocacy initiative.


Under the supervision of the Program Coordinator, you will be responsible for the quality and efficiency of the health intervention of the MdM Ch mission in Palestine

  • be responsible for operationalizing MDM Health vision, and ensuring the integration of all the elements that compose a holistic approach to health
  • ensure the scientific validity of the activities implemented, identify and respond to healthcare needs in the implementation of projects through the efficient use of resources
  • coordinate the team of technical profiles in the field in the design and monitoring of programs



  • Coordinate and provide technical support to all health activities in the West Bank and Gaza
  • Guarantee the quality, relevance and efficiency of activities in compliance with MdM Switzerland's internal strategy, procedures and protocols, evidence-based practices, ethics and deontology in the field of intervention of MdM (sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender based violence, mental health and psycho-social support and child health and development)
  • Support the team in needs assessment and ongoing multi-sector contextual analysis
  • Support the team in defining the technical content in line with the thematic reference frameworks, WHO primary health care framework and MdM Switzerland strategy
  • Actively participate in the definition of the health strategy for oPt, identify the resources required for their implementation (HR, training, activities...), in close collaboration with HQ technical referents
  • Ensure harmonization of practices between health referents in the field and thematic referents at head office, as well as the dissemination and application of technical recommendations
  • Provide technical support to Project Coordinator in the implementation of health care, social change and technical questions related to advocacy
  • Actively contribute to the identification of new projects, partnerships, operating methods, advocacy actions, exploratory missions, as well as adjustments or reorientations, made necessary by the analysis of results and/or the health system in the country
  • Ensure the meaningful and inclusive participation of rights holders at all stages of the project cycle and promote implementation of community-based approaches to health and implementation of systems to promote accountability to affected parties
  • Ensure that protocols and framework agreements with national/local competent authorities, MOUs and partnership agreements with other implementing actors respect national policies
  • Participate in the reporting and regular analysis of project data (Indicators...) and share the main results with the HQ technical referents and the main stakeholders.
  • Ensure management and rational use of pharmaceutical products, medical supply and equipment in the project aligned with good clinical and public health practices
  • Ensure continuous monitoring of the health situation, including epidemiological surveillance, health system as well as social and political determinants of health
  • Identify the need for health-related technical support from outside MdM (consultancy, training, etc.)
  • Train relevant staff members in the health tools and procedures in place
  • Develop and run training courses in health management and/or on specific topics to increase the skills and knowledge of MdM team members; develop moments of participative reflection.

Monitoring and Evaluation

In close cooperation with MEAL Referent

  • Define and develop indicators (including internal ones) and tools for monitoring medical data, and supervise their implementation by all field teams
  • Implement/support monitoring and evaluation mechanisms (internal/external) and ensure capitalization and follow-up of recommendations
  • Ensure the quality of the data collection process at project level, for both respect to deadlines and donor requirements and qualitative analysis of the projects
  • Ensure the preparation of technical aspects of proposals (including needs assessment) and donor reporting with a particular focus on data analysis
  • In collaboration with the Program and Project Coordinators ensure the set-up of accountability systems including an appropriate right holders feedback system

External Representation  

  • Represent MdM Switzerland on health-related issues with key national and local stakeholders (partners, local authorities, donors) in consultation with the general coordinator and/or project coordinator
  • Proactively participate in external meetings. This includes participation in various humanitarian and coordination forums (clusters, etc.)
  • Build and maintain relevant national and regional networks

These responsibilities will be implemented in specific and cross-functional ways on the basis of the annual individual action plan, drawn up in collaboration between the manager and the post holder in question.

Activities may change depending on the context

Essential Medical or paramedical degree (nurse, midwife, psychologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, pharmacist, orthotist and prosthetist, dietician, laboratory technician, care assistant, etc) Minimum clinical experience of 3 years Master's degree in: public health, community health, project management, political science, development, management At least 2 years' experience in managing humanitarian and/or development projects Language: fluent in Arabic, excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Writing skills, including project proposals and reports Computer skills: proficiency in the Office package Assets Experience in the priority areas of intervention of MdM-Switzerland (SRHR; GBV; MHPSS; Child health and development) Experience in one of the following approaches: community health approach, primary health care, health planning, gender, age and disability intersectionality Cross-disciplinary skills Strong management skills, empathy and integrity Effective and efficient communication with others; coaching and teamwork skills Information management: understand, analyze and react Task management: structuring work, solving day-to-day problems, proposing solutions, recommendations outside the defined framework Coaching and developing health staff, transferring skills and knowledge Interpersonal relations: teamwork, communication Personal functioning: commitment, coping with stress, reliability
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Jobs
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Jobs